Greatest People on Earth

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nebulae Internet: Above and Beyond the Cloud

 Scientists have made a recent breakthrough in teleportation technology. When I first heard of teleportation, I saw visions of transporting matter from one place to another. Although that is a long term goal, the current research is going into data transport.

 By breaking things down to a sub-atomic level, engineers have transported information from one spot to another without that information travelling in between that space. This opens up a huge expanse of data storage and other such implementations.

 I don't pretend to understand quantum physics in the deepest sense. To think that teleportation is ruled by a foreign style of chaos differing greatly from conventional physics would leave me with hope for this style of innovation. This field is what will bring us beyond the clouds, into the galaxies and nebulae of space.

 I would feel a bit more secure knowing that my information could be on an international space station, far from the physical problems that could affect it here on earth.


  1. thats creepy, if they teleport a human would that mean that theyre still the same person on the other end? O.o

  2. I think that's the whole problem with teleportation with humans. You'd have to basically break the person down and then REBUILD them on the other side. no room for error unless you like mutated people.

  3. This is chilling...Imagine what we'll be able to do in 30 or 40 years.

  4. they have been able to transport bits of binary info instantaneously for a few years now, soon, we will actually live in a sci-fi movie!

  5. sweet. itll only be a matter of time before they're able to transcribe human consciousness to data, so then humans will be able to travel w/o their bodies

  6. @Dylanthulu- Yes, very epic.

    @Gambling Degenerate- Maybe not, they'll need lots of test subjects to get it right.

    @lolmudkipz101- on the experiment I researched for this, they were up to 10% recover rate for the information. Loooong way to go for 99.9%

    @RobertM- I do imagine it, and it's both scary and exciting at the same time

    @Gog- True, I'm still waiting on the sci-fi movie life.

    @leanmeansteen- I can see that. Won't need a cellphone if I can just teleport a thought to my invisible gf.

  7. Wow, shocking news! But interesting also.

  8. So how much closer are we to scotty beaming me up becoming a reality?

  9. Science fiction eventually becomes reality.

  10. K but how do they do it, what makes the information teleport?

  11. Oo great stuff, i wasn't aware of this! Quantum computing is very exciting as well.

  12. if they can send "information" now in then maybe they can send matter in the future!
    great post

  13. @level85nerd- Yes, very Bzzt!-Shocking-Bzzt! indeed! Thanks.

    @shaw- My guess is that the first person to successfully be teleported will be in 40 years.

    @@nobodyshome- Science will in fact become Sci-Fi shortly! Exciting stuff.

    @Last Days- They split a photon into two separate parts. These parts are then shot with an equal dose of x-rays. After this, they shoot tiny laser pulses at the split photon to produce one of 6 combinations of quantum states.

    @Sub-Radar-Mike- Yes! It's very intriguing also.

    @Mike- I'ts an inevitability, I believe.

  14. I have no problem with things besides people teleporting, but if a person teleports I think I remember some book, or some movie/video game bringing up a great question. Where does the human element go? Would you lose your thoughts/memories if you got teleported or could we preserve/recreate them? Cool stuff, anyways +followed

  15. @Gryt-

    What happens to the soul will always be the biggest concern for this technology in the future. I don't see traditional science ever proving that the soul even exists or figuring out if it's affected by the deconstruction-reconstruction of the teleportation.
